How should Buddhists carry themselves during the Buddhist Lent season so that they can achieve the maximum merit?
Thai people have the problem of working without any expectations for progress. How do we cultivate more dedication and a stronger work ethic in Thai people like those in other developed countries?
Thai people have the problem of working without any expectations for progress, which has resulted in the slow development of our country. How do we cultivate more dedication and a stronger work ethic in Thai people like those in other developed countries?
Buddhism is fastest-growing religion in English jails over past decade
Meditation grows in popularity for both health and spiritual reasons
Freedom from Subtle Defilements
“Lotuses Have leaves that a drop of water cannot cling to Likewise, those who can attain Nirvana will have the minds That Subtle Defilement cannot stay in them
The 38 Ways to Happiness :- The Second Group of Blessings
The 38 Ways to Happiness. The Second Group of Blessings. Turning towards wholesomeness
I’d like to know the purpose of donations in Buddhism and how many kinds of donations are there?
Farmers use Buddhist ideal to grow crops
The Noble Truth of the Origin of Suffering # 2
The Lord Buddha taught that the extent of craving in the minds of living beings is so great as to be beyond words
Basic Meditation Technique Step #5
The sharing of loving kindness is something we can do every day, both before and after daily meditation. A brief period before meditating softens and broadens our minds.